Once upon a time there was an small island. It was a fine place for a new prince and his people. There was no place like this island in the world. It was a very cool place, you could see dolphins and merpeople in the ocean.
One day a spell was placed on the island by the evil dark skinned pirates who were planning on taking over the beautiful island. The spell made everyone including the prince hateful and mean and wanting to fight, except one man and a child. There was fighting everywhere though no one died.
When the spell wore off the island people were running around in fear that it might happen again. Prince Joe, while running almost fell into the ocean! The people were friends again. One of the prince's soldier, Eamonn, talked to two of the men from the castle who said they had seen a group of people aproaching from the sea.
Prince Joseph gathered the island people together to discuss the news. The islanders knew they must prepare to greet the men. Were they friendly or enemies?
The group of pirates were not friends. They were enemies! The pirates planned on putting the "hating" spell on the island in the hopes that the islanders would fight each other to the death making it easier to take over the island. Unfortunately they did not know the spell would only last a short while.
By the time they arrived the island people had united to fight against them. A battle ensued, the pirates were defeated. The islanders rejoiced and celebrated by roasting a pig.
The End
5 thoughts about this post:
I enjoyed your story Joe, thanks for sharing.
That is a way cool story and background and pictures.
What a wonderful story Joseph! You used a lot of "juicy" words and detail sentences. Great job. I can't wait to read more stories on Warrior Joe.
I had to fight some dark skinned pirates once - They aren't that tough. As far as their "hating spell" - it only made me more powerful! I bet Me and my loyal LEGOmen could take over Joe's Island, and then we would eat his roast pig ourselves! That sounds delicious!
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