Friday, January 1, 2010

2nd Grade Reward Certificate

I finally got to go to the Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix for the award I got from my teacher in 2nd grade. Since my mom waited so long I have grown a few more inches and was able to ride all the rides by myself. My award certificate was for myself and 5 guests. We got two slices of pizza, a 16 oz. drink, 6 game tokins and two free rides each. We had the option of upgrading to an hour and a half of free rides for only $8/child. Originally I thought I would just go with my family, there being exactly six of us all together. But, my Dad was sick and my mom's friend called to see if we could get together and do somehing. So it ended up being myself, my two sisters, Alexis, Katie, and Emma who were able to play, my littlest sister got to do some things too.
After about two hours of total fun there, we took our tokins to Chuck E. Cheese where all games are one coin, instead of two or more at the arcade at the mini gran prix. All in all I had one of the best days ever! I wish I could go back more often.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Two Warriors

A few years ago, two to be exact, my mom and I made a movie. It's not really a movie, but my mom and I worked on it and I had tons of fun.

My mom is cool.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Eternia's Adventure under the earth

There was a village in the sea with a castle and a secret passageway to land. The people were fair and friendly. Except on man who stole children. This village was no ordinary village. This was a secret village. The sharks never attacked them because the children fed them.

The king was the most fair, he loved everyone. Except for the man who killed Stitches mom, who was a very important person in the village. He was imprisoned for the act after the king cut off his arm when they captured him.

The dark haired man, who stole children, almost stole a king's servant's child. But before he could steal the child the king showed up. The king said "I won't arrest you if you don't ever do this again." The dark haired man was grateful for a second chance and swore he would never steal children again.

Just then they saw a big meteor, it made a big hole in the earth. The ocean water disappeared into the hole when the meteor hit.

When they looked into the hole they found an undiscovered world under the earth's surface. They found talking animals! They got a rope and went down into the newly founded world.

"Look!" the king says. "Houses too!" "Ok, this place has two ways down, let's split up."
So, two men stayed with the king. The other two men went down to the talking animals. They all were barely saved from the liquid hot magma as it quickly moved up the lower levels of the city.

The king and his two helpers were able to save the newly discovered world's people from some evil talking animals. They discovered that the animals were plotting to kill the king and his men because over heard the animals talking about their plan. In the confusion of the attack, the neo pet animal knocked down one of the men. However, the king and his other servant were able to kill the animals before there were any deaths on the kings side.

They rescued the underworld people from certain destruction! Now they had proof of talking animals who lived under the earth. The brought their new friends up to the surface and continued to live in peace and harmony.

I would love to hear your comments on this story, please comment.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boy Scouts of America: Bobcat

I got my Bobcat badge the other day. I was able to recite the Boy Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, Cub scout motto. We have some really fun Pack meetings, I'm glad to be a scout!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Name Poem

J is the first letter in my name
Orange chicken is my favorite food
Soccer is a fun game
Elizabeth is one of my little sisters
Pizza is my second favorite food
Horses are fun to ride (I think, I've never rode before)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I got Baptized

I got baptized because I want to follow Christ. My dad thinks I am too young to know what I am doing, but I think I am old enough to make good choices. My mom says it is just one step on the latter of life and that one must start somewhere.

My uncle Calvin baptized me, and my uncle Zeezrom confirmed me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and gave me the gift of the Holy Ghost. My cousin Eamonn gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost. He was really nervous but the spirit helped him to do a really great job.

My family: Great Grandma Beckham, Grandma Fisk, Aunt Rosie, Aunt Becca, Fionna, Thea, and of course my sisters and parents were there. Also, my Aunt Becca's sister Kimberly, her husband, Troy, and their baby, Zeke, came too. My mom's friend Stacey came and brought her daughters, Alexis, Katie, and Emma. After the baptism there was cake for a treat, my teacher from church did a great job, the cakes were delicious. Then we went back to my house for a dinner little party. I really had a great time, I'm glad everyone came to help me celebrate.

Now I need to remember to make good choices and repent when I do something wrong.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another fun game

Another fun game to try is FusionFall, it is awesome. You get to fight monsters and save Cartoon Network.